update: 2012/03/02
reference: Developing iPad Applications for Visualization and Insight
=> Lecture 12: Graphics
1. Graphics Stack
blit = Bit-Block Image Transfer (位元區塊影像轉換)
3. CoreGraphics is a Vector graphics API
Coordinate system:
4. CoreGraphics is a CoreFoundation API
a. CoreFoundation takes the ideas of Objective-C and applies them to C
(p.s. CoreFoundation is a C API; Foundation is a Objective-C API )
b. Memory management:
(1). CFRetain / CFRelease
(2). Methods with Create in the name: you need to release
(3). Methods with Get in the name: same semantics as autorelease
(4). Many CF types have their own free.
For example, CGPathRelease instead of CFRelease.
You can use either one. (使用 CGPathRelease, 可讓程式碼更清楚)
(唯一的差異: 將 nill 傳入 CFRelease 會 crash 掉; CGPathRelease 則不會)
c. Toll-Free Bridging:
(1). Any CF object type can be cast to id
(2). NSArray* and CFArrayRef are compatible
(3). Same with NSDictionary* and CFDictionaryRef