2010年8月16日 星期一

Mac OS X: SmartGit - Git分散式版本控制系統(DVCS)的GUI客戶端。

A. 先安裝 git:
1. 下載 git-osx-installer: http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/
===> 使用版本: Git Installer 1.7.2 - OS X - Leopard - Intel

2. Step 1 - Install Package:
===> This installs git to /usr/local/git. Root access is required.

3. Step 2 - Run shell script: (optional)
===> Non-terminal programs don't inherit the system wide PATH and MANPATH variables that your terminal does. If you'd like them to be able to see Git, for whatever reason, you can run this script. It will add the PATH and MANPATH to your ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file. You'll need to log out of your user account for that to take effect.
(i.e. 在終端機下執行 "setup git PATH for non-terminal programs.sh" 檔案)

B. 安裝 SmartGit:(正式版須付費)
1. 官網: http://www.syntevo.com/
===> 使用版本: Version 1.5.5

2. 安裝過程選擇 git 執行檔的位置: /usr/local/git/bin/git. (無法瀏覽到的話, 就自己 key in)

C. 使用
1. Create a new local Git working tree:
===> /Volumes/Snow Leopard/Lanli/RD/iPhone_Projects/iPodTouch/CheckNetSample
> Continue > Initialize > Project Name: CheckNetSample > Finish

2. 將以下的檔案:
===> 右鍵 > Ignore => 便會自動產生 .gitignore 檔案.

3. 接著, 便可以 commit 了.


