update: 2016/02/18
1. PiMapper
2. openFrameworks
3. Raspberry Pi: Pi 2 with Pi Mapper ---- 1/3
4. Raspberry Pi: Pi 2 with Pi Mapper ---- 2/3
5. Raspberry Pi: Pi 2 with Pi Mapper ---- 3/3
A. 更新版本:
1. Raspberry Pi 2: Raspbian Jessie OS (Release date: 2015-11-21)
2. openFrameworks: v0.9.0 for linuxarmv7
B. 安裝作業系統影像檔:
1. 主要參考: Raspberry Pi: Pi 2 with Pi Mapper ---- 1/3
2. 更新部分:
a. 下載 Raspbian 映像檔, 版本為: Raspbian Jessie (Release date: 2015-11-21)
b. 安裝好 Pi 後, 登入系統預設為桌面環境.
c. 可以直接在 Pi 的組態設定中, 設定自動使用 pi 帳號登入文字模式.
$ sudo raspi-config
> 3 Boot Options
C. 安裝 openFrameworks
1. 主要參考: Raspberry Pi: Pi 2 with Pi Mapper ---- 2/3
2. 更新部分:
a. download openFrameworks 0.9.0 linuxarmv7 distribution
$ cd
$ curl -O http://www.openframeworks.cc/versions/v0.9.0/of_v0.9.0_linuxarmv7l_release.tar.gz
$ mkdir openFrameworks
$ tar vxfz of_v0.9.0_linuxarmv7l_release.tar.gz -C openFrameworks --strip-components 1
b. Install packages
$ cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/scripts/linux/debian
$ sudo ./install_dependencies.sh
c. compile openFrameworks
$ make Release -j4 -C /home/pi/openFrameworks/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project
d. 不需要再額外增加 Raspberry Pi 2 makefiles
說明: makefiles 預設已經是 Pi 2 的了, 連結也移除了
e. 也不需要設定環境變數來告知編譯器使用 4 核與使用 armv7 來編譯
f. 編譯範例與執行:
$ cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/examples/graphics/polygonExample
$ make
$ make run
g. 在 Pi 上新增專案方式:
$ cp -R /home/pi/openFrameworks/examples/empty/emptyExample /home/pi/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/myRpiApp
$ cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/myRpiApp
$ make
$ make run
D. 安裝 Pi Mapper
1. 主要參考: Raspberry Pi: Pi 2 with Pi Mapper ---- 3/3
2. 更新部分:
a. 下載軟體:
$ cd ~/openFrameworks/addons
$ git clone https://github.com/kr15h/ofxPiMapper.git
b. 安裝相依軟體:
$ git clone https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxOMXPlayer.git && git clone https://github.com/bakercp/ofxIO.git
c. 編譯與執行:
$ cd ~/openFrameworks/addons/ofxPiMapper/example
$ make
$ make run
d. create a symbolic link:
$ ln -s ~/openFrameworks/addons/ofxPiMapper ./PiMapper
E. 在 Mac 上安裝 Pi Mapper
1. 先安裝好 openframeworks
2. 安裝 Pi Mapper:
$ cd /Lanli/RD/project/openFrameworks/of_v0.9.0/addons
$ git clone https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxOMXPlayer.git
$ git clone https://github.com/bakercp/ofxIO.git
$ git clone https://github.com/kr15h/ofxPiMapper.git
F. 在 Mac 上建立你的 Pi Mapper 專案
1. 執行 projectGenerator app
.... of_v0.9.0/projectGenerator-osx/projectGenerator.app
Project name: myPiMapper
Addons: ofxPiMapper, ofxIO, ofxXmlSettings, ofxGui
> Generate
說明: ofxOMXPlayer 只會在 Pi 上用到, 在此處不需要加入.
myPiMapper 專案資料夾, 底下有二個接著會用到的檔案:
addons.make ---- 編譯時會 addons 的內容
myPiMapper.xcodeproj ---- Xcode 專案檔
說明: ofxOMXPlayer 為 Raspberry Pi 上 openFrameworks 的 video player
a. 於 src 目錄下新增以下檔案:
CustomSource.h, CustomSource.cpp
CrossSource.h, CrossSource.cpp
b. 將 of_v0.9.0/addons/ofxPiMapper/example/src 下的所有程式原始碼,
覆蓋到 of_v0.9.0/apps/myApps/myPiMapper/src 下的所有程式原始碼.
7. 拷貝 of_v0.9.0/addons/ofxPiMapper/example/bin/data 下的所有檔案與資料夾:
到 of_v0.9.0/apps/myApps/myPiMapper/bin/data 下
8. 確認在 Mac 上編譯與執行成功後, 即可將整個 myPiMapper 資料夾上傳到 Pi 的
~/openFrameworks/apps/myApps 目錄下
9. 建立 soft link 並編譯執行:
$ cd
$ ln -s ~/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/myPiMapper ./myPiMapper
$ cd myPiMapper
$ make
$ make run
G. openFrameworks 0.9.2
1. 參考:
a. http://openframeworks.cc/setup/raspberrypi/
b. http://openframeworks.cc/setup/raspberrypi/raspberry-pi-getting-started/
2. 說明:
On the Raspberry 2 although it's architecture is arm7 raspbian only supports arm6 by now
3. 安裝步驟:
$ curl -O http://openframeworks.cc/versions/v0.9.2/of_v0.9.2_linuxarmv6l_release.tar.gz
$ sudo chmod 777 of_v0.9.2_linuxarmv6l_release.tar.gz
$ mkdir of_v0.9.2
$ tar vxfz of_v0.9.2_linuxarmv6l_release.tar.gz -C of_v0.9.2 --strip-components 1
$ cd /home/pi/of_v0.9.2/scripts/linux/debian
$ sudo ./install_dependencies.sh
$ sudo ./install_codecs.sh
$ make Release -C /home/pi/of_v0.9.2/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project
4. Install PiMapper
$ cd ~/of_v0.9.2/addons
$ git clone https://github.com/kr15h/ofxPiMapper.git
$ git clone https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxOMXPlayer.git && git clone https://github.com/bakercp/ofxIO.git
$ git clone https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber
(for example-camera used)
5. 內建相機模組: fixed bug for example-camera: check addons.make file
6. Reuse the example app by copying it to your apps directory
$ cd
$ cp -R of_v0.9.2/addons/ofxPiMapper/example of_v0.9.2/apps/myApps/ $ cd of_v0.9.2/apps/myApps$ mv example PiMapper
$ cd
$ ln -s /home/pi/of_v0.9.2/apps/myApps/PiMapper ./PiMapper
$ cd PiMapper
$ make
$ make run
H. 備份與回復 Pi SD 卡資料:
1. 參考:
備份與回復樹莓派 Raspberry Pi 的 MicroSD 記憶卡 - G. T. Wang
2. 備份:
$ diskutil list ---> 查詢 SD 卡的磁碟代碼
ex: /dev/disk1
3. 回復:
$ sudo dd if=~/Desktop/ofx_0.9.2_PiMapper.img of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m
4. Windows 方式:
工具: Win32 Disk Imager