update: 2015/09/05
1. Professional CUDA C Programming
2. I touchs: Get Started On NVIDIA Jetson TK1
3. I touchs: How to re-flash your Jetson TK1 Development Kit
4. I touchs: Using the Jetson TK1 as a remote development environment for CUDA
A. 在 Nsight Eclipse Edition 撰寫程式如下:
// 檔名: hello.cu
#include <stdio.h>
// __global__:
// function will be called on the CPU and executed on the GPU
__global__ void helloFromGPU()
// blockIdx.x for block index
// threadIdx.x for thread index
printf("Hello World from GPU! block %d thread %d \n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
int main(void)
// hello from cpu
printf("\nHello World from CPU!\n\n");
// kernel(GPU code) configuration: total threads = blockNum x threadNum
int blockNum = 2;
int threadNum = 3;
// hello from gpu: call from the host thread to the code on the device side
helloFromGPU <<<blockNum, threadNum >>>();
cudaDeviceReset(); //destroy and clean up all resources
return 0;
B. 執行結果: