update: 2015/04/09
1. Raspberry Pi: DHCP Wireless Network
2. Raspberry Pi: openFrameworks
3. PiMapper
A. 說明:
1. Pi Mapper:
Open source projection mapping tool that runs on the Raspberry Pi.
2. 依照 Raspberry Pi: DHCP Wireless Network 與 Raspberry Pi: openFrameworks
B. 安裝 ofxPiMapper:
1. 取得 ofxPiMapper 的安裝軟體.
$ cd ~/openFrameworks/addons
$ git clone https://github.com/kr15h/ofxPiMapper.git
2. 安裝相依軟體:
$ git clone https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxOMXPlayer.git && git clone https://github.com/bakercp/ofxIO.git
3. (選擇性) 讓鍵盤與滑鼠運作正常:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo rpi-update // Raspberry Pi firmware update
$ sudo reboot // 重新開機
4. 編譯 ofxPiMapper:
$ cd ~/openFrameworks/addons/ofxPiMapper/example
$ make (約 1 個小時)
$ make run // 執行
C. 模式與快捷鍵:
a. 模式:(按下鍵盤的數字鍵)
1. Presentation mode (預設, 展示上次儲存的)
2. Texture mapping mode (調整外觀的紋理座標)
3. Surface editing mode (選擇你所建立的外觀, 移動或變形)
4. Source assignment mode (選擇外觀的來源)
說明: 一般的步驟為:
-> 先切換到模式3來選擇外觀.
-> 隨後, 便可以在模式2編輯紋理並於模式4選擇來源.
b. 快捷鍵:
鍵名 功能
i Show info
t Add triangle surface
q Add quad surface
f Toggle fullscreen
s Save composition
BACKSPACE Delete surface
說明: 可藉由編輯 app.cpp 檔案來指定快捷鍵.
D. 備註:
1. 預設外觀設定檔:
2. 使用者外觀設定檔:
3. 圖片來源檔位置: (支援: .png .jpg .jpeg)
image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg ....
4. 影片來源檔位置: (支援: .mp4 .h264 .mov .avi .mpeg)
test.mov ....
5. 讓 HDMI 影片的聲音正常播放:(修改以下二項設定後, 重新開機並編譯)
a. /boot/config.txt
# uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
# DMT (computer monitor) modes
b. /home/pi/openFrameworks/addons/ofxPiMapper/src/Sources/VideoSource.cpp
// Do things with the OMX player
//settings.enableAudio = false; //default true, save resources by disabling
settings.enableAudio = true; //default true, save resources by disabling